
The Strasbourg Organ Music Festival August 18th - 25th 2019 - 26 organs, 46 Voices !

Festival des Orgues de Strasbourg 
Posted on: Thursday, June 6, 2019

Reserve and purchase your tickets
Artistic direction by Damien Simon
The Stras’Orgues Association 1a place des Orphelins 67000 STRASBOURG
Chalet Stras’Orgues Place de la Cathédrale 67000 STRASBOURG
Not-for-profit association registered with the Strasbourg Association Register of the District Court - Vol 94, Fol 42 President: Claude Schneider SIRET: 821 574 506 00019 - APE: 9499Z Entertainment entrepreneur license 2-1106165 and 3-1106166 IBAN: FR76 3000 3023 6200 0502 4411 935
Online at From August 16th-25th, from 11am to 6pm in our chalet-boutique at the foot of the Strasbourg Cathedral (checks or cash) During the festival, 30 minutes before the start of the concert (checks or cash)